2012-02-29 14:37Nyheter

New offer from Symbal Chase: The Purchasing Expert Center


 - How do you find an experienced purchasing expert that is a good leader, a skilled negotiator and also familiar with all your purchasing categories?

-How much savings would you be able to do if you had access to skilled negotiators and category experts?

- In which purchasing categories do you think you could unlock more value if you had access to an experienced category expert?

At Symbal Chase we understand your challenge. Very often companies are looking for one single resource to drive all purchasing activities – a super hero with extremely wide knowledge.

As such a person is very difficult to find, Symbal Chase has developed the Purchasing Expert Centre

- How do you find an experienced purchasing expert that is a good leader, a skilled negotiator and also familiar with all your purchasing categories?

-How much savings would you be able to do if you had access to skilled negotiators and category experts?

- In which purchasing categories do you think you could unlock more value if you had access to an experienced category expert?

At Symbal Chase we understand your challenge. Very often companies are looking for one single resource to drive all purchasing activities – a super hero with extremely wide knowledge.

As such a person is very difficult to find, Symbal Chase has developed the Purchasing Expert Centre

What is the Symbal Chase Purchasing Expert Centre?

It is a packaged solution where you as a customer get the benefits of an experienced purchasing expert on site as well as tapping into a multitude of competences, possible economies of scale and potential access to a more competitive and/or strategic supplier base.

- You get a purchasing expert on site, either daily or according to your needs

- The purchasing expert has wide overall purchasing knowledge with detailed expertise in some categories, is a good leader, driver and communicator -When additional competence is needed, the purchasing expert brings in resources from the category center to perform the detailed tasks

-The purchasing expert is in control, leads all activities and makes sure the new initiatives are implemented –  you only have one responsible interface

-If the category center has several customers with the same demand in a certain category,  the center will strive to achieve economies of scale to provide you with the best possible deals.

Do you want to know more and discuss if we are the right partner for you? Please contact Christian Carlsson +46 (0) 703 863312

Om Puls Solutions

Puls Solutions finns därför att vi vill förändra världen kring hur man arbetar med medarbetarengagemang. Vi erbjuder en AI baserad engagemangsplattform för att skapa rätt förutsättningar för en god arbetsmiljö och ett högt medarbetarengagemang. En plattform som är chefens bästa vän. Vår plattform gör medarbetarna delaktiga, avlastar cheferna och hjälper dem att prioritera och implementera förbättringar som leder till ökat medarbetarengagemang och ökat affärsresultat. På riktigt.


Christian Carlsson
Christian Carlsson